今天还吃到了令人惊艳的苹果,品种叫做Cosmic Crisp。苹果又大又红,香脆甜,应该是我今年吃到的最好吃的苹果了。
今天听了Manly P. Halld在1987年3月的一次演讲,下面这段结束语和今天的我很有共鸣,引用如下:
At this season of the air, when transmutation is on everyone's mind; when we're looking forward to the earth opening again and spring coming forth with flowers, and birds and living things; when we begin to have faith in the continuance of the harvest and the ripeness of the earth and we realize that we are in a world, in a cosmos, in a conscious state in which nature has provided everything necessary for the advancement of all the realities of Life. The thing it hasn't provided for is excess and the moment excess comes in the realities are forgotten. So with this point in view of mine and always thinking a little bit about the future, about how are we going to wake up tomorrow. Whether we can get rid of some of the problems that have annoyed us for so long. Let us remember that to begin with, we must search in ourselves and wherever we find a false value, wherever we make a decision that cannot be reasonably and constructively demonstrated, wherever we have to gain our end by breaking the Golden Rule, wherever we have to satisfy our natures by condemning someone else. Where these things happen we are still in great need of self directives, self censure, self-reorganization so that in the end as the days come, we will meet them joyously and with Love. For Love l love suffereth long and is kind, and love is the only relationship between human beings that can ever bring peace to the world. That which brings peace to our heart is love, to our family, to our nation, to our world. These are all the pieces the qualities, the gentleness, the kindness that makes for Eternal cooperation and brings about ultimately the unity of all that lives, and in our loving we must not forget the birds and the flowers and everything that nature has provided. By the time we get through admiring the wonders of things, as they are we will be inclined to get over the disillusionments which we suffer, is the result of things as they appear to be. Actually we live in a good world and if we're good enough we can enjoy it, and if we're still better we can keep the world the way we know, it ought to be.