还好,一月下旬,查机票的时候,在Expedia上找到了British Airways从纽瓦克机场出发,在伦敦和香港转机,到成都的航班。虽然时间比较长,但一个人往返$1600,6月1日出发,已经可以了,就下手买了它。这机票是只有一件23kg的托运行李额,多一件的话,是100美金。在平台买了票后,我去BA的网站上确认一下。可是在BA的预定管理那里,却没法显示甚至可能没有免费托运行李。这下,我就又开始不必要的担心了。马上联系Expedia的客服,客服再三保证没问题,第一件托运行李是免费的,而且如果真有问题,他们会补偿我托运行李的钱,等等。但我那沉迷于担忧的人类大脑,居然不相信人家客服,又去谷歌搜索Expedia卖的机票的类似情况。发现确实有人在Expedia买机票,说是有行李额,结果到了机场又说没有的情况。这下,我那爱无故担心的mind,又开始兴奋了,各种最坏的情况在脑海里预演着(其实后来想想,如果真是这样,最坏不就多给200美金而已,值得我这么焦虑吗。)当时是美国时间下午,BA的客服因为是英国时间,还没上班呢。可我那焦虑的心,完全失去了耐心,没法等到晚上再联系BA客服,而是听说BA在X上有官方账号,在那里可以24小时寻求帮助。所以,我就去X给留言了我那其实不是问题的问题。
果然没过几天,信用卡上就出现了南航退回的全部购票款。我真的是白担心,还把自己给折腾病了。经过这一次,我突然醒悟了许多。那天听了Eckhart Tolle一段讲解,对worrying这个问题的分析,很有共鸣,引用如下:
There are two types of unhappiness.
One is completely unrelated to an actual event out there.
It's entirely produced by dysfunctional thinking.
A typical example of that would be worry.
You wake up in the middle of the night and you start to worry.
Worry means you have created scenarios your thoughts about things going wrong.
You create scenarios about things that you might lose, things you might not get, but you need.
Something may happen to you and you play it out in your mind.
You worry about problems that you say you have.
But while you worry, there's no, worry is never given a solution to anything.
It's just pointless going around in your mind and you don't even know it.
Many people are addicted.
There's no awareness there.
They are addicted to worrying.
Their sense, their personality, to a large part, is a worrying personality.
Take the worrying away and a huge chunk of their personality is suddenly gone.
Of course, they don't want that.
They want to hang on to that.
I need to worry.
Well, I mean if I don't worry,
I'm not taking responsibility for myself, am I?
Everybody worries, don't they?
When I look at movies, they worry.
Everybody worries. You have to worry.
Okay, let me worry a bit more.
Now, worry is a very good example of dysfunctional thinking and it produces an emotion.
It's not just in the mind.
You have certain types of thinking.
The body reacts, responds to the thinking, and creates an emotion that reflects the type of thinking.
The energetic frequency of that thinking.
The story that you create in your mind.
The body can't tell the difference between an actual real event out there and something that only your mind is creating.
So when your mind is creating a critical situation, your body believes that you are in a critical situation.
Or you're lying in bed at three in the morning.
It is very nice and warm and soft.
But you are in a critical situation in your mind.
And the body believes this is bad.
And then you experience the emotion that you would experience if you were really in a critical situation.
And then that becomes, and the emotion fuels even more that type of thinking.
So you're trapped in a vicious circle.
And so there are human beings who are burdened with these personalities
that continuously produce totally superfluous, unnecessary unhappiness.
All unhappiness is ultimately not on purpose.
But in this particular case, this type of unhappiness has nothing to do with any situation that's actually happening.
It's created by dysfunctional thinking.
Dysfunctional thinking here means every thought that comes into your head absorbs your consciousness totally, and when I say identity, this is the key.
When you identify with thought, there's a sense of me, a self in every thought.
There's no space between you, who you ultimately are beyond thought.
You're totally unaware of who you are beyond thought because you're so totally identified
with that voice in the head that never stops talking.
It goes on and on.
Why don't you shut up?
Shut up. But that's the voice too.
That's just another aspect of the voice.
It says, "Why can't you shut up, shut up, shut up."
Well, that's the voice also.
So that doesn't work.
And some people are so unconscious.
When I say you have a voice in the head that never stops talking, they say,
"What are you talking about? What voice?
I don't have a voice."
What is that one?
Oh. So anybody who is not, who is totally identified with the mind, is spiritually trapped in that particular dimension.
So you have unhappiness arising simply as a product of your mind, even without an external challenge.
And this is already kind of the beginning of a spiritual awakening.
When you develop the ability to know what's going on in your mind.
And when you develop, this is awareness slowly arising.
When you develop the ability to know what your mind is doing,
and what your thoughts are going through your head, then you may detect where the unhappiness comes from?